Selected projects.

A collection of a few selected projects and the impact they've made.

SMMA Mentorship Program

Turning a vision into a digital reality.

When Qasim shared his vision for Winners Circle, I knew it was destined to be one of my finest projects. 

I meticulously crafted an impactful online presence from the ground up, featuring a sleek and contemporary design, cutting-edge technology, and captivating animations.

From sketch to pixel-perfect development, I transformed Qasim’s vision into a digital masterpiece, ensuring his message reaches his audience with maximum impact.


  • Branding
  • UI/UX Design
  • Development 
  • Hosting & Optimization

Freelancer Website & Portfolio

Breathing Life into a Freelancer's Identity: Reimagining Branding and Web Presence.

When Ron, a talented freelance web designer, approached me for a complete brand transformation and a new website, I knew it was a project I couldn’t resist.

I meticulously rebranded his identity, creating a modern and memorable visual identity that showcases his expertise. In addition, I designed and developed a website that not only reflects his skills but also provides a seamless user experience.

From concept to a fully functional website, I transformed Ron’s brand and digital presence, ensuring his portfolio shines brightly in the competitive web design landscape.


  • Branding
  • Website Redesign
  • Development 

Design Agency

From zero to hero:
An impactful online presence

The Growth Lab is a personal project I’ve been working on for the past couple of months. The growth lab is a dynamic online growth partner for coaches and consultants.


  • UI/UX Design
  • Branding
  • Graphic Design
  • Development
  • SEO
  • Motion Design

Corporate Website

Revamped Canalaska website: redesigned for success.

I led the complete redesign of Canalaska’s website, creating a clean, modern, and user-friendly design. My focus was on effective communication and positioning, resulting in a strong online presence for the company. 

Using strategic branding and web design, I helped Canalaska Uranium Ltd raised 215K in capital and attracted 27 new shareholders.


  • Logo Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Development 
  • Custom Post Types Implementation 

Marketing Agency Website

Breathing new life into an obsolete website: A modern and revamped design approach.

The CEO of Marketoring, approached me for a complete website redesign as part of her agency’s rebranding effort. She wanted a modern and unique design that would set her agency apart from the competition. I took the old website and transformed it into a sleek and modern design, featuring custom-coded elements that make the site stand out.

I was able to establish a strong online presence that effectively communicates their message to their target audience.


  • UI/UX Design
  • Development 
  • Graphic Design

E-commerce Website

An improved user experience that delivered a 37% sales lift.

Hype Plug reached out to me requesting an e-commerce website they will be capable of adding and editing products and content by themselves. I focused on designing a clean, well-organized, and responsive website. Responsiveness was the key for this client as many potential customers would use either mobile or tablet devices to find out more about this brand and make purchases.


  • Woocommerce Integration
  • UI/UX Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Development 
  • Branding 

Capital Raise Landing Page

I helped S.T.A.R.S. VR project rebrand and position themselves to their targeted audience.

Incubara Capital Corp. was rapidly scaling up operations to better serve its customers. I needed to improve their S.T.A.R.S. VR landing page specifically, their communication, positioning, and cohesiveness of user experience ahead of a key investment round.


  • Graphic Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Development 

Mastermind Event Landing Page

Empowering Thought Leaders: Launching a Game-Changing Mastermind Event

When entrepreneur Amber Vilhauer sought to bring her visionary Books & Business Event to life, I seized the opportunity to craft a compelling digital presence. This project was a journey to amplify her impact and drive registrations for this transformational event.

I meticulously structured the landing page, leveraging persuasive storytelling and strategic design to entice visitors. The result? An event landing page that not only informs but also motivates, driving registrations and setting the stage for a successful Books & Business Event in Austin, TX.


  • UI/UX Design
  • Developent
  • Graphic Design
  • Conversion Optimization


A collection of stunning web page prototypes I created for showcase and testing purposes.

Medical Website

Dr. Johana Huberman

Design and development concepts for high-end clinics. This prototype features extremely clean and professional aesthetics, with smooth motion effects that keeps users engaged.

Creative Agency

Marketoring Version 2

This is prototype is one of the versions that I showcased to the client, and it features a contemporary, abstract design with a bolder and more assertive aesthetic.

Personal Portfolio

Steven Cardonni

A template tailor-made for entrepreneurs, coaches, and speakers to effectively communicate their message, attract the appropriate audience, and showcase their work and services.

Tech / SAAS

Tech Genius

A specialized template crafted exclusively for tech companies, enabling them to communicate their message with precision, allure the ideal target audience, and highlight their cutting-edge work and innovative services.

Coaching & Consulting

Dennis Marvel

One of the first drafts I created for the client, this design has a corporate approach with dynamic motion effects.

Clients say.

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Due to non-disclosure agreements, I am not able to publicly display the majority of my projects. However, if you are interested, I can provide access to my private portfolio.